“Tower Times” is named for the 16th Major Arcana card in the Tarot which symbolizes danger, disaster, destruction, but also beneath it all liberation, rebirth, and renewal. The image of the Tower card shows a castle, set alight by a bolt of lightning, causing it to burn and collapse. This artwork shows unmistakable chaos and pain – but it also shows the fall of an empire. Inside the castle lives the wayward elite, who have elicited the punishment of the gods in the form of lightning. The castle falls, taking its regime with it as the bodies of the elite fall to the ground in a burning mass. The tower warns us of a chaotic upheaval, but it also promises a chance to rebuild something better and stronger than what came before. It is a chance to turn the tables on our oppressors and rise with renewed power.
This zine is intended to show the collective spirit of resistance against our increasingly Christo-fascist nationalist government. The cronies in power are picking apart democracy and whittling away our freedoms, laws, and communities. They feed on our fears, our prejudices, and attempt to turn us against one another so that we may never become strong and unified enough to rise up against them. The looming shadow cast by these authoritarians and despots threatens to blot out the very spirit of America – the liberated melting pot of the world. These billionaire criminals who have supplanted our government are doing so to simply fuel their hunger, greed, and deep insecurities, which has set them on an insatiable pursuit of power.
Capitalism is the fuel which has powered American fascism. We are consumer slaves to a capitalist system which has led us down a blood-soaked path and promises an even darker future. We must break this cycle – for our freedoms -for our futures. So, this zine intends to help you resist through action, voice, consumer power, and self reliance.
Together, we can – We MUST – break this cycle. The fate of free people around the world depends upon it. By punching up, together with many hands united, we can break this machine which oppresses and exploits us.